Tuesday, August 29, 2006

stupid golf...............

Even though I write this on a Tuesday a full 2 and a bit days from the end of Caerleon pub golf 2006 I am still squinting through puffed up eyes and every so often getting sharp pains ala Ski throughout my body.
To say the day was a success was an understatement, to say that the competitors were in a giant mess can also jump in the box called ‘understatements’.
As I already stated in my previous blog the field was a strong one and it was a dead on statement – I can honestly say I haven’t been involved in a harder pub golf tournament before because there was nowhere to hide. The championees in the end were the Six foot Jap and London Welsh, both pushed the pace and made me want to phone my mam and tell her to travel the 110 miles to come and pick me up.

By the Red Lion it was all going a bit mental with the Jap and the Rooster spuing, the boys playing ‘killer French boules’ and swing ball and than London Welsh smacking the swing ball so hard at ‘The Agressor’ that he admitted he nearly cried for the first time since he was six (which incidentally I think is bollocks cos he must have seen a.) Watership down b.) forest gump or c.) Wales play in the early 1990’s).

The Golf was done at such a pace that it started at 1445hrs and finished just before 7. Newport itself decided that it wasn’t going to let us in to all its pubs. Many of you know Newport’s reputation for being rough as fuck and it is a reputation that it deserves and revels in so you can imagine how bad we really were when we stopped getting into four of its bloody pubs. 2 of us managed to get chucked out of Walkabout twice.

If it wasn’t for Jez Phillips we wouldn’t have known half of what had happened but then I know it was going to be bad when I had to tell Blue to ‘look soberer or we wont get into wetherspoons!!’ at quarter past seven in the evening.

This may be the last blog for a bit as the Rooster is going to visit the Lovechicken King from over the pond. Big Doug has called and I have responded – however looking at the weather it seems there is a big fuck off hurricane heading his way so it looks like me and the Ayatollah will be down to Tenby.

Remember you can still send me your postings and I will put them on – but none about kiss ball – it will not be tolerated!!!

PS The Kaahnt let us down good and proper – so disappointed

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