Thursday, August 17, 2006


In the beginning there was the word and that word was, is and always will be 'RUGBY'.

A few of us set up the Love Chickens in 1999. It was a chance for like minded gentle folk to indulge in their favourite things; Girls, drinking and rugby.

A few years later and we have 80 members all over the world with hugely differing ages and backgrounds.

As one of the head chickens I thought that we may try and catch up with 21st century witchcraft and start our own Blog. So for the foreseeable future we will try and fill this blogs with intentions, anecdotes, character assassinations and personal view points. Many of us will contribute and we would love to know what the rugby supporting Fraternity think.

We are not politically correct and if anything upsets you on this blog - we suggest you bog off and read some politicians load of bollocks.

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