Saturday, October 08, 2011

childish - fuck yeah!!

Paul O connell, Patrick keilty, Eamon holmes, the bloke who played magneto in the last xmen film, Jim Mcdonald from Corrie, Frankie Carson, Father Ted, Father Dougall, Father Jack, Mrs Doyle,Dervla Kirwin,Graham Norton, Dara O Brien, lots of peoples Grandparents in Boston, Liam Neeson, U2, West Side, Michael Flatley from Riverdance, a lot of the dancers who arent american in Riverdance, Boyzone,James Joyce, those little twats who must be at least 22 years old who nicked my wallet in Dublin on International day, Jimmy Cricket, Terry Wogan your boys took one hell of a beating..............

1 comment:

dev said...

Do you mean westlife?