'Not all of the sleeper agents we sent to live in Australia passed their diplomacy module.......'
Just like Spenny, home is now Australia. I am in Regional Victoria, 2-hrs outside Melbourne. It's Aussie Rules land and they are stunned by my ability to kick a ball off the floor, but I did get a touch rugby game going once a week in the summer (always 25+ degrees) with boys who have never played. Of course, my team are always Wales, the locals love it.
I've not watched either Lions game yet because of (a) Jet-lag on Saturday, which yes I agree is for girls, but fuck you, and (b) because the State of Origin was on Wednesday night and no fucker in the pub would let me turn the telly over. My Lions coverage so far has been from BBC Sport website (excellent), the Official Lions App (absolutely wank) and this wonderful blog.
Now, I wonder if I can masochistically hold-out on watching a game until the first test? No, I will get bollocksed this Saturday night in a bar in Melbourne and shout at the telly and shout at the locals.
I doubt it will get as intense as Wales vs Ireland in the World Cup where, in a St Kilda bar called something like "Toothless Potato Farmer O' Murphy's", in a moment of utter catharsis I jumped on a table, got my dick out and passionately called a table of 15-20 particularly vocal Irish Girls a "pack of cunts" as Mike Phillips leapt over in the blindside corner.

Above: Justin 'plank' Harrison counting the 104 hairs left on Healeys head - Austin still owes some of us in Coop HQ a pound that he bet against the recent Wales win....
I think the game I am really looking forward to though is the Brumbies game. That will be the first official outing of the Dirt Trackers, the Tuesday before the first test. There was a massive rivalry developed there in 2001 (Healy, Dawson and "The Ape" Justin Harrison) and I think it will flow nicely into 2013.
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