I don’t know where to start on this six nations but some of it was akin to picking the prettiest prossy in the wash and wank, finding out you were the final punter of a very long and fruitful shift and remembering you muffed her out. There was great expectation, you think you enjoyed a lot of it but in the end you have this awful feeling and a horrible taste in your mouth. Well that’s you that is. No offence to the fox hunting, inner city Bankers but England were not a Grand slam team but that says a lot more about their shit opponents than themselves. They were the best of a bad bunch and I don’t think their complete bumming by a rampant Irish side on the final weekend will do them any harm. I would say though that Foden and Youngs promised so much and delivered sweet fanny fuck all. Flood and Jonny did well and so did that giant twat Ashton. The English pack fronted up and was up until the last game rarely found wanting.

Actually while we are on the subject of that complete knob head (Yes I still blame him for making me have a shit position in the fantasy rugby league although I was proved right as he never scored again and I beat Ski in the last weekend as I said I would – Aston and Ski – giant meaty oboe players) I do think after scoring that many tries he should have been up there with Brian O Driscoll and possible Parisse as the player of the 6 Nations. It went instead to Masi. What the fuck!! Yes he scored twice and one of those in the most exciting game of the championship but he was hardly fucking Campese. This is what happens when you put things to a public vote. Democracy is shit as 90% of people are thick chaffs. Not everybody out there is like us and to most people the only voting they ever consider is when the X factor is on. If I wanted to be Prime Minister next time I would ditch all policies and say that I am doing this because…….i don’t know…….I grew up in the hood and my bruvver was shot like innitt in his face and my muvvar worked 28 hour shifts in the plastic dog shit factory but had to look after 17 kids and I is doing the politics fing for her memory and the memory of my half faced bruvvar whose name was like EZ Kenneth or some shit. Wankers – anyway – yes indeed. This years six nations man of the series was put out to the public vote and the only players involved were the ones nominated for man of the match which is incredibly pointless and stupid – nobody was told about it except obviously everybody with a computer in Masi’s home town. Right I think that’s enough ranting for now and I will continue slagging off………I mean commentating fairly on the plethora of skill and running ambition in this six nations later.
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