Well after the last blog I had to sit down and rest the old blood vessels but here I am back to give you the low down on the 6 nations. As previously said I think it was pretty shit but there were some highlights.
1. Friday rugby has been put to bed for a while. I haven’t the time or energy to get started on the dreaded 6 nations on a Sunday rant but thank Gareth Edwards on high that they have ditched Friday rugby. Great for people with no friends, shit for people who love watching international rugby as it should be – with friends in a pub or at the game with a day of shenanigans and tom foolery behind or ahead of them. WRU Chairman for life David Pickering claimed he loved Friday rugby which shows that behind that amiable façade there is in fact, a complete twat.
2. attacking minded players – ignore the fact that they didn’t actually do it much but amongst the ‘kick or drive it up the guts first’ type plans that the coaches and teams actually adopted players like Richie Gray, Sean Lamont and Joe Ansbro, Foden and Ashton (cock), Parra and Medaud, O driscoll, Parrisse and Bergamasco and of course Shane Williams
3. A couple of games cut the mustard as well. I enjoyed the England/Scotland game, I thought that the display by the Irish against the English was very impressive but the game and result of the tournament was Italy 22 France 21. I didn’t get as excited watching any of the Wales matches. It was a big win and one they deserved. It still didn’t get Lievremental the sack but it may have settled a French side down and given them at least a little shot at the World cup this autumn.
So what have we learnt this Six nations. One thing for sure is while New Zealand is hit by an earthquake, Japan is on the verge of making one of its own disaster movies seem implausible by being too tame and the Arab world is on the brink of civil war and the world wide recession is gaining momentum rather than abating is that we still find our priorities firmly placed in getting out, getting on it and drinking with friends and strangers alike all under the camouflage of watching international rugby.
My version
Player of the tournament – Brian O Driscoll – even having a shit game meant a pretty good one by any others standards. Mention in despatches goes to Parrisse and Ashton (wanker)
The ‘here I am rescuing kittens, saving orphans, feeding the third world whilst bailing out the banks and sorting out the middle east question’ award goes to Morgan Stoddart who scores 2 tries, one against the eventual winners, saves another during a close match, plays well above himself and then gets dropped…..
Mention in dispatches goes to the Welsh props. Wouldn’t you be fucked off if the person you replaced in the team had more mentions than you actually during a game. At one point I was expecting this from one of Scrum V or the BBC:
Commentator 1 – on comes the Welsh team and those 2 props whose names I cant be bothered to say because they are not as good as Gethin Jenkins and Adam Jones
Commentator 2 – you are right, they really aren’t but I suppose these spastics will have to do – how are the opposition going to play against these half wits who aren’t Gethin Jones and Adam Jones….
5 minutes later 'What a terrific start and now we have a scrum on the half way line and there we see not Adam jones, Matthew Rees and not Gethin Jones binding together for the first scrum'
Biggest fruit loop - Leivremental – the manager whose capped so many people that the French training camp is the only one where everybody wears nametags. Everybody knows the French are cowards but its very strange when it comes from their coach. Wales best player – with 100% pass rate and nearly an assist for one of the few tries, the ball boy who passed the ball for the illegal Welsh try against Ireland takes some beating
Above: Was this the 11 year old ball boy who gave his ball to Matthew Rees? No its 11 year old looking legendary former Wales fly half who Welsh fans once thought was gay because he dyed his hair blonde
So thats it really for the next few months i will be sticking to posts about The European cups, club rugby, the traditional hammering of Wales by England in the World cup warm up and of course how i would love to see a tag team smack down between the Krankies and Cannon & Ball. All this with up to date rugby news, rampant xenophobia and name calling up to the World cup.
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