Last week I had the pleasure of watching the other 6ft Jap, Gareth Delve, lead out the Melbourne Rebels at AAMI Park vs the Highlanders. I would now like to outline how fucking good Super Rugby is. They make our lot look like a bunch of spastics. Skills are superior, I even saw a prop throw a miss-pass. I have to say that I would back myself vs Danny Cipriani in a kicking duel, unless the kick was to win the game against Aberystwyth or Glamorgan uni. EPIC FAIL x2. But even Cipriani shines at this level, his total lack of defensive nouse doesn't matter because it's all about the product. Attack, score tries, run from your in-goal, cross-kick. Fuck something up? "Aw, no worries mate, she'll be right next time"...when someone knocks-on in Wales it's the end of the world and they need to be dropped immediately, their grandfather needs to be gang raped and thier mother is the source of syphillus.

The S15 culture is positive. Delve is flourishing, and now I read that the Waratahs are courting Mike Phillips or Dwayne Peel to replace Sam Burgess who is off to fill his coffers at Toulouse. GET OVER HERE BOYS...ALL OF YOU! S15 rugby is played the way Wales would flourish! If I could afford it, I would subsidise the import of Welsh players and give Gatland a backhander to change selection policy. Contrary to popular belief, no-one gives a flying fuck about Rugby Union in Australia. In Queensland its all about Rugby League, NSW is a bit of a mish-mash of a lot of League, and a little bit of Union and Aussie Rules. In the great state of Victoria, AFL/Aussie Rules is a religion. Perth is AFL too and only 59 people live in Canberra (and they're all politicians).

Above: The view that Australians had for hundreds of years no wonder theyre all out drinking beer or being rude to women
It's not a goldfish bowl like in Wales. Lee Byrne could go to the Sydney Mardi Gras and wear a pink flamingo suit and suck a few cocks, Henson could build a little hut on Bondi Beach and catch skin cancer and then get pissed on half a shandy, abuse some Sheilas and then get hoyed the fuck out of by their blokes. Andy Powell could get hammered on Tooheys and go and play human frogger in the middle of the motorway. No one would give a shit; Rugby League and AFL boys grab the headlines. Then they could concentrate on ENJOYING a brand of rugby that would bring out the best in them. Gatland should give them all a sabbatical for a season and then go back to Old South Wales and take the culture and the experience with them. I really believe we would be competitive against NZ, AUS and SA if this were the case.
This will never happen though and it is a sad thing...and it's because the European struture is fucking idiotic. Why? We follow a fucking idiotic schedule based around a flawed model...soccer. The first thing I would do would be to move the 6N to May. Then get rid of shit things like the LV Cup. Split the season; finish your domestic comps for Xmas and start your Heineken Cup mid Jan. At the moment half the team piss off to the Top 14 at the end of the season and get replaced by third-rate Kiwis so teams play in Europe on the basis of last season. If your season culminated with the 6N then the best players should be in there, not ones who are lacking match practise as they have been wrapped in cotton wool since October. Plus the weather would be awesome and you wouldn't have to spend 30 pound of your Edinburgh tour money on fucking jumpers.
I can dream, I can rant, but it is in vain. Tradition is the bain of progress, so until we respectfully say fuck off to tradition then we will not progress as a National Team or as a Hemisphere and will always be playing catch-up to our antipodien cousins and the orrible Saffa cunts. Hey anyway I dont give a shit, I get my citzenship in 2012 so it'll be Green and Gold so fuck you all, "WALLABIES!!!!"
This will never happen though and it is a sad thing...and it's because the European struture is fucking idiotic. Why? We follow a fucking idiotic schedule based around a flawed model...soccer. The first thing I would do would be to move the 6N to May. Then get rid of shit things like the LV Cup. Split the season; finish your domestic comps for Xmas and start your Heineken Cup mid Jan. At the moment half the team piss off to the Top 14 at the end of the season and get replaced by third-rate Kiwis so teams play in Europe on the basis of last season. If your season culminated with the 6N then the best players should be in there, not ones who are lacking match practise as they have been wrapped in cotton wool since October. Plus the weather would be awesome and you wouldn't have to spend 30 pound of your Edinburgh tour money on fucking jumpers.
I can dream, I can rant, but it is in vain. Tradition is the bain of progress, so until we respectfully say fuck off to tradition then we will not progress as a National Team or as a Hemisphere and will always be playing catch-up to our antipodien cousins and the orrible Saffa cunts. Hey anyway I dont give a shit, I get my citzenship in 2012 so it'll be Green and Gold so fuck you all, "WALLABIES!!!!"