What is wrong with Ashton? I give him yet another chance to redeem himself after spoiling my 6 nations and fantasy rugby game by including him yet again in my inner sanctum of fun and the squat faced twat runs in only 2 good tries……its Georgia! He could’ve had 5 or 6 – knob. Also, in another spate of making me look like a cock Ed Miliband lookalike American Black persons name Hape also gets on the score board. Well done to both. England were much better than they were in the first game but then again if Johnson had made 13 changes and 12 of them included some of the older cast of Coronation Street they would not have played any worse. Sure mistakes were made and the penalty count was crazy but they got there and that’s what matters – they are 2 from 2. Flood had a steady game but I don’t think he did enough to push his case ahead of Jonny. The commentator didn’t mention him 387 times but did piss me off by talking about gazillionaires kissball team Chelsea. This is a rugby world cup – fuck off –we hear about your sport all the time – give us this you wankers.
Wales seem hellbent on giving me a heart attack. Why can’t they make things a little easier on us sometimes. I thought I would get up at 0430, sneaking downstairs for a midnight feast like small child, watch the game where we came good in the last half hour and then off up the stairs to Bedfordshire to gain a valuable 40 winks. Instead they fucked around like kids playing chase with a bag chock full of dog shit, being out played by the country the size of the British Legion in Bristol so by the time Iit had finished my heart was going so fast that I thought I had brushed my teeth with whizz. I thought the Samoans played with passion and in the second half were so much better than us. I would have rather Warren had brought on Edwards Scissorhands then Andy Powell who must have got his hands and his chest the wrong way around as he spent the whole match trying to catch the ball with the latter. He made a couple of good tackles but the rest of time wandered around like a lost special needs kid in the big Tescos in Haverfordwest. I am gutted about Hook and Dan Lydiate, they are great players and as I write this do not know how serious their injuries are. However I feel I am being too tough on the boys, Warburton was great and I think the game suited Phillips although I do get fed up of people taking the ball from the bottom of our ruck while our players stand around gawping as if they were in that place in Amsterdam where you used to pay 2 guilders to watch a man dressed as Batman and 2 women get it in on like Donkey Kong. Anyway I thought Halfpenny was good when he came on and George North continues to impress although he did that ‘get the ball, jump up and down but go nowhere thing’ that was shit. Lets hope we rip loose against Namibia and put some points on – I don’t know about Fiji – we’ll probably win by 2 points against Namibia and hammer the islanders – Wales are the new French or as they say in Tondu – the les Nouveau Francais………
Wales seem hellbent on giving me a heart attack. Why can’t they make things a little easier on us sometimes. I thought I would get up at 0430, sneaking downstairs for a midnight feast like small child, watch the game where we came good in the last half hour and then off up the stairs to Bedfordshire to gain a valuable 40 winks. Instead they fucked around like kids playing chase with a bag chock full of dog shit, being out played by the country the size of the British Legion in Bristol so by the time Iit had finished my heart was going so fast that I thought I had brushed my teeth with whizz. I thought the Samoans played with passion and in the second half were so much better than us. I would have rather Warren had brought on Edwards Scissorhands then Andy Powell who must have got his hands and his chest the wrong way around as he spent the whole match trying to catch the ball with the latter. He made a couple of good tackles but the rest of time wandered around like a lost special needs kid in the big Tescos in Haverfordwest. I am gutted about Hook and Dan Lydiate, they are great players and as I write this do not know how serious their injuries are. However I feel I am being too tough on the boys, Warburton was great and I think the game suited Phillips although I do get fed up of people taking the ball from the bottom of our ruck while our players stand around gawping as if they were in that place in Amsterdam where you used to pay 2 guilders to watch a man dressed as Batman and 2 women get it in on like Donkey Kong. Anyway I thought Halfpenny was good when he came on and George North continues to impress although he did that ‘get the ball, jump up and down but go nowhere thing’ that was shit. Lets hope we rip loose against Namibia and put some points on – I don’t know about Fiji – we’ll probably win by 2 points against Namibia and hammer the islanders – Wales are the new French or as they say in Tondu – the les Nouveau Francais………
Andy Powell is just a complete cock.
The commentator was shit. The only saving grace was when he said something totally inane and there was a poignant silence from Phil Vickery, in which you could almost hear him thinking "Shut your mouth. Shut it now. Or I will crush you like an insect".
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