Well I crawled from my sick bed to watch this match and I wasn’t disappointed. Ireland showed Wales what they needed to do to match and then beat one of the top three. Yes Ireland continue to moan at the referee more than I moaned last week when I found my fifth silver pube but so what? Martin Johnson got to win a world cup by doing it. Maybe I am just jealous. This is a great world cup, in years gone past Wales would have put a shit side out against South Africa just hoping to beat the others. Ireland may have done the same. This time England are in a hard group of three and even the others are showing their metal – look at Georgia and Romania competing with Scotland – this is excellent news. Wales play Samoa and Fiji and if either of the 2 island teams win it won’t be an unbelievable shock. Anyway back to today, Australia looked a little shell shocked and Ireland did give it to them – I still think that the weird cabbage patch kid lookalike Beale was amazing and with O Brien the best players on the pitch.
It seems that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and England are now copying Wales by going on huge seshes in the middle of competitions. 2 positives for England. While Wales’ indiscretions all involve either stealing shit or getting duffed up by people in Burgerking, at least England’s shenanigans involved dwarves and blonde birds with big tits. The other positive was Martin Johnsons reaction ‘rugby players go out and drink beer shocker’ he said at the press conference or something like that. It may come back to bite him on the arse if they under perform but I think it was a reaction to the non rugby press and the non rugby world to fuck off.
So for Welsh people tomorrow we have to get up at stupid a clock just to shit ourselves for a few hours…….i just hope we play well
Fat mike predicted that New Zealand would score against 82 points against the Japs rather than the 83 they did..i don’t do shout outs and congratulations usually…so I wont bother starting now….enjoy mo fos
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