Someone will need to bring spare shorts. Euron Thomas the LC super Gog is our man from the north of Wales. As we all know North Wales is very much like Bedrock from the Flintstones and has only just started receiving BBC 2. It is with a heavy heart that I have found out that his shorts are made of woolly mammoth and are therefore banned under IRB regulations.
Below- Euron 'Champagne Ron Atkinson' Thomas off for a few jars in the Octogan in Bangor

All knowing king of jazz Neil, has actually deemed the day important enough for him to turn up. However this was only because his hockey game was called off. The young man who pretends to be a vegetarian to get off with women also contemplated not even turning up! A big day would not be the same without the stuffed pepper loving soil jockey.
First caps
While there will be quite a few new faces this weekend I am going to mention a few new caps. Legend of Fishguard, Mitch Mitchell who has been out on numerous occasions with the chickens will be an official Lovechicken this weekend. We will be looking to the old man for not only confidence on the pitch but his leadership on the piss.
Next up is nationalist choir Monkey, Darren P. He is tipped to be a professional singer who partnered the Fergatron, drinking and singing in Ukraine. Another social handgrenade in the mould of Fuzz and definitely one to watch.
Finally for this episode I introduce Earl the Titan. A great player and is one of the only people in the entire world who doesn’t drink that I actually trust (it will never happen with vegetarians). Whilst I would rather stick a poker down my japs eye than go out sober with a bunch of twats like us, Earl always enjoys it and is always there till the end – so watch and learn Tew!!!
Special Video Offer
Living with a bunch of cocks
Special behind the scene footage of the Lovechickens team as they prepare for the match against the money scrounging students.
Witness the extraordinary scenes of the captain Will eating urinal cubes after training. Watch a triple heart attack as Thug, Carlton and Gar San Francisco get to level one on the bleep test. Gasp in awe as you witness Taz walking around bollocko resembling King kong after an incomplete wax. See the additional 30 hour footage of Rhys Bach, Sex Pest and Chez in the bathroom preparing to go out on the piss.
Other important news
News just come in is that there are 2 elite Lovechicken drinking teams going out on the Friday before the big match. I hear that the 6ft Jap is captaining the ‘Newpuurt’ side whilst Ski Barr will be fronting the Cardiff side.
Double carnage……………………………………………………
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