The historical day is nearly upon us, where lovechicks become lovechickens, and cold hearts become warm. United as a indestructible force, a rugby clan, with fire in our eyes and boots on our feet. Not a single phrase can be used to describe the growing feeling inside of each and every brood member. If it could be summed up it would have to be the speech from William Wallace. Take heed of this fellow chickens as it would stir the souls of friend and foe.
“Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while.
And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to
trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one
chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take
our lives, but they'll never take our free-range?!”
No other passage is more true. From this day forth only live for this match, hate the enemy, for they hate us. Prepare for the contest that rivals no other. Feel the anxiety and nervousness boiling inside and use it well. For this will be our day!
1 comment:
i have just found out that the average age of their team is about 20 years old.Isnt one of Mitch's kids that age!!!
thats it boys - no more cakes till tomorrow and i want extra training from all of you. that means Pete fingering three more cows and Jas, you are going to have to try and move your legs before saturday - onwards!!!
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