Tuesday, March 27, 2012
exclusive by the Daily Chocolate seagull

Monday, March 26, 2012
Lanky dangly bastards
Damn every time I read this back I want to change my selection.
As for my 6 nations team against them. I don’t think the Italian second rows stood out and I did think that locks such as Ian Evans, O Callaghan, Botha and Alun Wyn Jones played a lot better. So for my 6 nations choice I will go for Pascal Pape and Alun Wyn Jones – like it?
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wank Hair XV

Prop idol and the hooker - pick of the best
neck out – yes I flipping well am.
So today I will stick with front rows. For the Lions my two props would be the Welsh boys Jenkins and Jones. Now even though my weight is annually tripling I have no knowledge of the front row and the dark arts involved but lest we forget, these two are already Lions props. There is a solidity in Adam Jones performances that gives me jimmy seepage, Jenkins work around the park turns the seeping into a flow.…….. Hooker…well I know Matthew Rees is a Lion and I am sure Ross Ford went on the Lions tour at some point, Hartley has great days and days to forget so I will go for Rory Best as my Lions hooker.
So my Lions front row in Oz at this moment would be Jenkins, Best and Jones but who would pack down against them for my 6 Nations side. I woudnt bother with any Irish props considering the bumming they took off the English on the last day and with that in mind I would pluck for Corsibiero. For my Hooker although I have mentioned the others I would hoy in William Servat and number 3 edging Mas, Attoub and Dan Cole would be Castrogiavanni. Like it – no?
well see if you set of twats can do any better?
Monday, March 19, 2012
transcript from Saturdays rugby coverage

Above: 'What do you mean how influential was Jonny Wilkinson to todays win? - I am a fucking Olympic rower you twat!'
Hi welcome to BBC sport I am John Inverdale – you may think that it’s a day for a possible Grand slam for Wales but…

If Wales lose by loads and loads of points and England win by loads and loads of points. If Owen Farrell scores twenty tries and Dan Cole drops 20 drop goals. If all the planets are in the phase of Pisces and the tarot cards and runes are in the ascendancy. If more than 2 of the Welsh pack are
Librans and the English have one left hander in the backs. If Sam Warburton’s mother has a lilac car won during the game show 3-2-1 with Ted Rodgers and Dusty Bin then England will win the 6 nations and wont that be amazing – now lets watch Wales versus (shuffles papers……looks confused….France!.. they’re playing France..great ..anyway watch this and then we can really look forward to the final game which is so important……

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Wales - Grand Slam
Friday, March 16, 2012
Bill Mclaren, testicles and police marksmen bringing down cows in West Wales

So far for the final weekend we probably have the toughest round for the Lovechickens all predict off. So far there is a 50/50 split for the Italy Scotland game.
60% are going for an Ireland win and 90% for a Wales Grand slam. I just want to include some of the predictions that have come through from Chickens in Wales, England and all the way over in Oz. The country where all the criminals are - not the place with the yellow brick road....or the orange people - thats Neath.
Spen the Viking
Italy v Scotland - I predict a game akin to Old Parkonians U16s v Mold Vets, with an Italy
win (I'd donate a testicle to see Scotland get the wooden spoon).
Wales v France - tricky. Wales are easily the strongest team in the tournament and have a huge home advantage, but France usually come back and play like magicians after being humiliated. I predict a bloodbath, with Wales just edging it.
England v Ireland. I predict another bloodbath, with England edging it.
Pete 2 fannies
England are finding their feet now under Lancaster. The team is young and could be a good one with Owen farell orchestrating things at 10, also croft was superb against France. It'll be a tough one but I think England will pull through.
Defensively Italy were very strong against Wales, but still look suspect in attack, they are not the team they once were with Troncon and Dominguez 9 and 10. Bergamasco brings passion and fire to the game, but he normally ends up looking like a hot headed twat. Parisse is of course World class. Scotland on the other hand are showing some promise on the attacking front so I gonna stick my neck out and say Scotland to win by 10 points.
Wales v France. The biggie. I am very nervous about this game. I just feel that the last 2 times we've played for a grand slam, we've won so we're due a loss. On current form we should win it, in fact whilst we've won all our games I don't think we've played our best, but the French are after all the French and its become a cliche but you really don't know which team is going to turn up. I've got beef animals on my farm, a French breed called Limousin, and they are exactly like their human counterpart, you don’t know what the fuck they're going do next. On one hand they could walk into the shed quietly and let you inject them with the biggest fuck off needle you ever saw, or they could decide they want to pin you against the wall, and then the floor, kill you, then jump a ten foot wall and run all the way to Scleddau before being killed by a police marksman.
I am dreading the game, even though the championship is virtually ours, I'm going to say a French win
My predictions are :-
Scotland win against Italia
Wales to beat Les Bleurghs. (This will be a very tight match and if the French play to their potential and Wales continue with their current form France could win.)
England to beat the Bogtrotters to revenge themselves for last year.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I want to talk about Wales...
I hope readers of this blog indulge me with a chat about Wales and the forth coming potential Grand slam match as I want to return to an old favourite of mine.
No its not:
1. Chris Ashton
2. Pathetic Sunday rugby killing the game off for generations to come
3. Gavin Henson
4. Percentages of people who wipe their arses standing up
5. Shit attendances for regional rugby
It’s about how lucky Welsh rugby supporters are nowadays.
You see if you were 24 years old and you were going out on the piss on Saturday for shenanigans this would be for your 3 grand slam game since you were 17. In between that even though there has been shit we have had players and teams that have set the world on fire. For many of the Lovechickens especially the West Walian part of the 150 or so members from the ages of about 16 (when we had been drinking properly for 2 years) till we were about 30 – life was pretty shit. No wonder we have such problems with alcohol, it was the only way we could forget our performances. Yes there was the triple crown of 88, the championship of 94 and those beautiful early days of a relationship where we were cockstruck with Graham Henry. Our capitulations were etched in our mind and many a time I would sit in the Claude praying that our boys wouldn’t have been bummed to death or maybe even that they had attempted to make a tackle or God forbid, compete for one of our lineouts, but those prayers remained unfulfilled. Especially in the early 90’s we would look over Offa’s Dyke to watch gits like Underwood, Carling, Ackford, Dooley and Brian Moore strut their stuff. They were class above and we weren’t even in the class below, we were stuck in remedial class playing with play-doh. Even though Barry John or Wales Today do not mention the Welsh team without talking about the great side of the 70’s, it doesn’t matter anymore. It would have been lovely going out on the lash knowing that Wales were going to win…but did they? I only counted 3 grand slams myself in the 70’s and not one win against the All Blacks or South Africa – lets move on because rugby has.
Let’s not kid ourselves this isn’t a Welsh team full of greats however it is a great Welsh team. We haven’t had an easy game which shows what an amazing thing the 6 nations is and how amazing THIS 6 Nations is. Other than the English result last Sunday there haven’t been the surprises of
the past but there really could have been. This Welsh team has played and beaten the team in front of them and they have done it with pride and on occasion, panache. People are moaning that these are a heavy weight backline, yes they are but you see J Davies, Halfpenny and Priestland, all big boys, choosing their angles well, looking for space and looking for the off load. It seems that as soon as Wales opt for brawn in the backs there is something wrong and I
seem to think that Rougerie has been in the game for a while now, Mathieu Bastareud (remember him) was also a bruiser while England has not been obverse to pick the odd Matt banahan or even on Saturday, the svelte, all running, avoiders of contact, Tuilagi and Barritt. We have some bruisers but we have players of skill, if it not for the grafters or our players such as Warburton, Lydiate and Adam Jones then we wouldn’t be in the situation of seeing our big runners just our big tacklers.
It could go either way on Saturday in the real decider. France have the capability to let rip especially with Yachvili to settle the ship but Wales will go into the game undaunted, unbowed and unbroken with a chance to make history, if they do, it is because they have not relied on one
thing as we have had to do in the past. The boot of Stephen Jones or Neil Jenkins, the power of Garin or Gethin Jenkins or the all round phenomenal talent of Shane or Martyn Williams it will be because we have a good team, who know their job and who can excel in it. I look back now and I see a thinner but still extremely handsome me sitting in the Claude pub or Tavistock pub in
Cardiff, or in Oliver’s in Edinburgh or stuck in a stadium in Brisbane as Mike Catt gives us a lesson in shutting out a game, sat next to people who I loved then and most of them, love now and I feel like walking in and saying to him - don’t worry buddy boy – its all going to be ok…………….and stop eating shit or you really are going to be fat.
Enjoy the rugby on Saturday no matter where you are from –
the love of the game keeps us together and separates us from the twats.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
non rugby related story - but true
Simpering girl: ‘remember when I left the sixth form early because I really wanted a job where I could sleep all day?’
Squeaky retard: ‘yeah?’
Simpering girl: ‘well even though I couldn’t find one, even if I did, I wouldn’t want it because its quite boring here just lying in bed’
This is the honest truth, where did she think she would get this job? and that last conversation wasn’t even the reason I am writing this. This is:
The next thing is they were arguing about names and David said that he wanted a Welsh name for the baby and she said she didn’t like any and then after 5 minutes of silence she came back and said that she did like one Welsh name. He asked what it was and she answered
She was going to call her kid ‘H’!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Americans are coming

They are flying in – coming down to Wales and then fucking off so I thought I might do a very quick guide so they know what to expect.
It says a lot about a country when some of the best things about it are things that the populace had fuck all to do with and with Wales that means amazing coast lines, mountains and vales that take the breath away and areas of huge and intense beauty. As soon as the Welsh get hold of things like cities, infrastructure or politics they fuck it up.
So the people.
There is no point going into regional differences so I will concentrate on Newport where they will be staying. For starters Americans will not understand a word anyone says. Also this isn’t everybody but the national dress of men from Newport who stray into the town centre is a vest but even though they are in their 40s they will also dress like a teenager. The women are slack jawed, stretched titted harridans, if they are pregnant and they usually are it is against the law for them NOT to smoke. They, like their men folk will also dress like they are teenagers unless they are teenagers when they will dress in their jimmy jams…and not nice ones, fezzing ones. If they are obese it is compulsory to wear a crop top. Also compulsory for vest wearers is that they have to have a dangerous looking dog with them.
(Franch accent) well Monsieur zeeing zat you are een ze Newport you must dry ze chips and cheese, eet eez a local delicacy……
He’s right though, while a must for the American chickens on Saturday night will be to venture down Chip alley, avoiding puddles of yak and screeching west Walian women in shiny Cowboy hats to eat delicious and exotic Orange curry, Friday night in Newport will be to sit down at the end of the night and watch people from Pontypool knock fuck out of each other while eating cheese and chips – it doesn’t get much better than that.
OK lets say that Osama Bin Laden and Rose West had coupled and had a boy called I don’t know Anthony and then Hitler and Jordan got together and had a girl called Samantha. Anthony and Samantha get married and have a kid. At the same Time Pol pot and Chris Ashton get together and have a boy called Denzil and then President Mugabe and General Pinochet got together
and adopted a girl called chaneeza. Then Denzil has it off with Chaneeza and they have a kid. OK is that clear? So after generations of evil the two kids get together, mate and produce a being of such awful evil that even Rusty Lee, one of the original TV Cooks, doesn’t like it. We’ll call it Neil . Neil, once he reaches an age when he feels old enough, goes around killing everybodies first
born child in Wales and also makes everybody in South Wales homeless by knocking down their houses. If Neil then stands in an election in Wales for the Labour Party – the people whose families had been destroyed by Neil and whose houses had been knocked down by Neil would still vote for him……
Things you will see this weekend
Red things, fighting, queues for taxis, the police, singing, women crying because they have drank too much and are being sick in the street with their mates holding their hair and smoothing their backs.
Things you will not see this weekend
Taxis, Harps, coal miners, fruit, a healthy debate on the rights of man and US foreign policy after 1945.
This may all sound negative but I can guarantee that on Sunday morning, once you come round, you will be planning next years trip to the home of rugby orientated, all day drinking shenanigans, happy in the knowledge that if it comes up to half the level of enjoyment that this weekend has then it will be amazing.
Monday, March 12, 2012
as the fug of the weekend clears

I am of course the biggest lambs cock in the world for picking Dan Parks to begin with but sometimes that complete klutz gets his kicks over, he didn’t, he retired and I swapped him……
In the fantasy rugby you are allowed at most, 4 from a nation so I loaded mine with 4 Welsh 4 French 3 Irish 2 English 1 Scotsman and an Italian. Pretty much if I am being honest the order I saw the 6 nations being. Yes the French are there or there abouts but they have been dull as dish
water. I know I singled out Fofana last week and yes he rewarded my Mystic megism with another try but so far (and I mean so far…as I don’t want it thrown back in my face when he scores 5 tries, converts them all, hits 5 drop goals and then fingers Kathrine Jenkins on Saturday) he hasn’t set the world alight. He hasn’t been a Jonathan Davies, Tuilagi, Bowe or a Hogg, has he?
Here in Wales, the national side are being hyped up to a point where I started thinking last week that we are transcending rugby and sending Mike Phillips and George North to bring some peace to the Syrians, Alex Cuthbert and Alun Wyn Jones are being sent to Russia to ensure fair and safe elections and Andy Powell is being send to Japan to stick his fat thick head in the holes in the
Fukishima power plant. Saturday afternoon is when they have to deliver. Priestland is not looking up to scratch, our hookers still have to sort themselves out and so do the lineouts – this is the weekend that needs to happen. Scotland and Italy have promised much and delivered little but have relied on the fact that they weren’t expected to win the initial matches – this weekend is different, no where to run and no excuses left. Ireland could’ve been on for a slam this year, maybe a few players let them down, they cant afford to do it this weekend on an English team on the up and finally France, I don’t see any change of attitude or behaviour from the World cup but what does that mean this weekend – the French that played Tonga or the French that coulda and shoulda won the world cup final? Saint Andre reckons he hasn’t the time with the players but pursuing the same tactics as his predecessor seems a retrograde step so come this weekend his choices and his decisions will be seen as a success or a failure.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
huzzah for the posh chaps and the northern ones who don't wash...

What a great game. If we are being honest half of the Lovechickens are English so we have a very happy half a club at the moment; however I don’t think they should just be happy with the result but the manner in which they played. As well as Harinordoquy played I do not think he should have had man of the match ahead of Croft who was jizmungus and that try was great. Also Jizmungus was Parra’s kicking in the end. People are saying that this is a turn around from the sack of shit they were in the world cup but don’t you think this is a turn around from the sack of shit they were in the first two games of the championship? All said and done we have got three amazing games next weekend. Wooden spoon is going to be a beauty – Scotland were gash this weekend but this is the game that saves their bacon, its not good enough to be nearly rans, they have to win. Its Italy at home, it’s the last game of the season so will we see a more determined Italian side or maybe Brunel may just say fuck it and try something different.
One thing I’d say is that Italy are a more dynamic team with Bergamasco in the side, not brilliant, but better.
Then we have as Jiffy said, the plate final. What a treat we have in store especially since we have 2 teams reaching their potential, will Twickenham and home advantage be the deciding factor.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
post match anal cyst

Friday, March 09, 2012
Day before International weekend - excited?
Ireland Scotland matches are traditionally brilliant or shit. Although Scotland
won the world cup warm up it is the small handed travelling folk that have had
the results snagging 8 out of the last 10 encounters. It’s at home for Ireland
and after defeat by the Welsh they won’t want to put another L in the home box
(coach speak – you won’t understand). With the 2 big O’s out there may be a
jangling of nerves but they have the other Owe and that’s Tommy Bowe who’s been
scoring for fun.( I still think I should have had an assist from Rougerie for
my fantasy rugby team in last weeks game). However Scotland deserve a win and by
jiminy (or should I say Jimmy) I don’t want it to be against the Italians.
Robinson has to get a result soon – I hear that some players are coming out in
support of him and if this was kissball that would mean that he was on his way
out….but then again if it was kissball he wouldn’t give a fuck because he would
be given a gazillion pound pay off to leave a team that he didn’t even give a
toss about to coach another team he doesn’t care about. The result between Scotland and France
and then France and Ireland means that this should be close and a good one.
Scottish people to watch
Stuart Hogg – from zero to well not bad as yet – loads of
potential and lots of threat – great stuff
Irish people to watch – all of them, the moment your backs
turned, all of the lead on your roof will be gone and they’ll be challenging
your auntie June to fight them for a pound.
All of them and especially Tommy Bowe and Rory Best
Sundays game (and did you notice I didn’t mention anything about soul destroyingly shit Sunday rugby then?) is also going to be great. If this game had been before the Welsh game I would have forseen the French taking a 35 minute break in the middle of the first half to have some shit hard bread sandwiches with jambon and fromage and an opportunity to smoke 10 Gallois each
and still go on and beat the imperial pigdogs by 27 points. But it isn’t and they won’t. This is a different English side who were unlucky to lose and very unlucky not to draw against the Welsh. Farrell was terrific and I thought Botha was all over the field. The French were absolutely village against the Scottish and Irish but still got some results. They have dropped Trinh-Duc and Parra and brought in Dupuy and the bloke who looks like an eastern European pimp cum money lender Beauxis whose drop goal performance last week has seen his early induction into the Arthur Emyr Drop goal Hall of fame. Either Sant-Andre is a genius or he is underestimating the English. I thought Rougerie was shit last week and I am seriously pissed off with Fofana, not because of anything he has done, its just he is not in my ESPN fantasy rugby team. Two teams face each
other on Sunday who have both played beneath themselves for most of the tournament, who is going to pull their fingers out of their arse and get it on like donkey kong?
English people to watch out for
Tuilagi – he is the person who can create holes in the defence especially whilst Foden and Ashton seemed to have taken some performance disabling drugs
Bobby Davro – now that we’ve lost a giant like Frankie Carson who else can we depend upon for comic ingeniouity (half back partnership with Gary Wilmott could be the Lions pairing of fun)

French people to watch out for
Fofana already mentioned – seems to get into good positions – an eye for a try
Pepe le Puw
Dresses in black and white, doesn’t take no for an answer from women and smells – could be any of them…..(except for Sophie Marceau who
is cowing lush)
Wales Italy should be a good game, I think that Italy raise their game against the Welsh but to show some sort of maturity this Welsh side has to be up for this game and they have to put them away early. The Italians will be out to stop them, there has been some shit games for them this year but as I have said this is season 1 for them under their new coach – lets hope they
kick on before Parisse is forced to retire after carrying a side for so long. So
the penultimate weekend is here, plenty to play for as Wales France and England
are still in the mix…..
Welsh people to watch out for
Jonathan Davies – no not the commentator but the Scarlets
centre – he can find and line and gap and his try assist count will go through
the roof
Fenella the Witch
Younger viewers look away now because 1. you will shit
yourself and 2. you wont have a clue what I am talking about. Fenella was the
baddy from Chorlton and the Wheelies and used to whizz around like someone…well
someone on whizz. Petrifying and more than a match for an Italian back line.

You don’t really have to watch out for them you can hear
them coming. Talking…sorry shouting at each other like 2 old people from
Mountain Ash on a very loud bus.
Parisse – yawn but true – class class class and smart missus
Thursday, March 08, 2012
a response to King of the Gays by Fuzzy

Above: And there's me thinking that Fuzz and Han went to Thailand for their honymoon
“Dear king of the gays,

Friday, February 17, 2012
arse pundits

'Butler will have been busy. I expect metaphor, drama, historical reference, hyperbole and square rimmed glasses. And a nice coat and scarf combo. Oh, and misty breath, definitely misty breath. We've had misty forest and muddy playing field, so I think EB is going to be waxing lyrical from a frozen duck pond using a bemused swan to illustrate something vague about serenity on the surface and power beneath. And how to live on Mighty White. Right hand will gesticulate wildly, left hand will remain pocketed. Whole thing will end on a question mark and a raised eyebrow'.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
banging on about those crucial numbers by Spen the Viking

Dear Rugby can i have that 80 minutes of life that i wasted yesterday back please

Did you spookily notice that I didn’t put up a blog about the France Ireland game? Well I was playing a game of strip kerplunk with Derek the weatherman on Thursday and he let slip that it was going to be a cold one so I didn’t bother. It must be gutting for those poor supporters who made their way over from Ireland or up from the south west of France but the referee made a brave call which was probably the right one. Todays game was a pretty good one – thoroughly entertaining and of course I enjoyed the win. I cant help feel sorry for Andy Robinson that Scotland don’t get the results – if they had played like that against England they would have slaughtered them but they didn’t so they didn’t. I thought Wales played well but they didn’t have a spring in their step, even when the tries came. Toby played well and so did Cuthbert and Halfpenny, I wouldn’t have minded seeing Roberts look around sometimes and I loved the break in the end. That Hogg played well and looks pretty dangerous and was unlucky not to be awarded his try. The ref was shit and would’ve been better suited to reffing Saturdays ‘game’.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
My view from Uncle Fester

Friday, February 10, 2012
drape your jumpers around your shoulders, finish your ice creams and toot the horns of your cars - the Italians are going for the win

An England team, young and barely recognisable outside their own houses, off the back of a win albeit against a Scottish side with the attacking flair of a quaker (think about it) but up for the challenge. Unchanged but blending the experience of Hodgson (snigger) and Foden with some great prospects this English team could deliver the goods. An Italian side ram packed with caps and not too little talent. The talent is spread too thin but they always pull a performance out of the bag and I don’t think they have had a better time to beat the English. More than double the support they receive at the Stadio Flaminio, full of fizz from Parrisse’s team talk and what is the longest and most exciting national anthems in the world (especially now since Tangisubikstan has changed its anthem from the 12’ version of ‘the only way is up’ by Yazz and the plastic population to ‘God save Tangisubikstan’) the Italians may be too hot to handle.
For once this game may actually down to tactics, I’ve been wrong about nearly every game so far but I still pick Italy to win.

Sorry didn’t know where that all came from. But seriously I don’t think this comes from the Welsh squad but we in Wales seem to be talking about grand slams and Dafydd Jones on last nights Scrum V was only a moments away from saying Wales by 126 points against Scotland every time Ross stuck a microphone under his chin. Lets show a bit of respect, yes we can win and yes we can win well but this is the 6 nations and anything can happen…….
i know its late but i have been hungover..i mean tired
Scotland England – too be honest I have turned into such a shandy arse that I was getting a little drunk by the time this kicked off so I thought it was a pretty easy game to watch but it shows how drunk I was when I was reliably informed by fellow Lovechicken and Chairman of the Aber Baa Baas that the game was in fact – a load of shit. I was going to have a little moan about Dan Parks later but I thought they had no attacking flair and England handled the pressure well. Owen Farrell looked the part…do you know what that really is all I can remember it was only an hour later that I was crying my eyes out for no reason and then watching Morgatron spu through his hands with spray hitting strangers and his friends alike – he was like a giant sick sprinkler.
The final game was a magnificent game – not my words the words of a lot of other non Irish people. Could Wales really complain if Ireland had of won that though? I thought O Connel was everywhere and Kearney was great in the air but in the end tinker passion was thoroughly thwarted by sheepshagging authority. A hell of a lot of Welsh players impressed but Rhys Priestland, kicking aside, really does put players in great positions and those players now have the tactical awareness to actually be there. Shit stirrer extrordinaire Mike Phillips was awesome , he really is a bossy little…..big fucker and you can tell he doesn’t like the Irish. Sometimes I would like him to consider taking one or no steps before passing rather than his customary 23. Bradley Davies should have been sent off for that tackle – no doubts in my mind and that was because I wasn’t drunk, I was trying to concentrate my mind not to be sick in my mouth or to stop my hands from shaking from the mother of all hangovers. One thing that pissed me off was the amount of time Barnes the ref gave for advantage, I bet the Irish are hoping they have him next week in France so he can finish off the advantage that they are still playing for the 65th minute in Ireland.
So what have we learned from this weekend. Wales and France are an attacking force, Ireland aren’t that far behind but are missing Bod. England are starting to get some pride and dog back and Scotland once they get rid of Parks could get better. Italy had flashes but remain pretty crap, I cant drink anymore, dont stand behind Morgan when he’s drinking whisky and don’t stand too close to the wall when you are having a wee.
I will say it again so you can take the piss out of me next week but Italy might do a job on England next week but then again I thought Scotland and Ireland might win so best I just shut it. Next weekend a few chickens will be watching the games in Aberystwyth on Richie Morris stag. Many of his friends are from St Davids so going to Aber is like going on a big city break – they also think that a bitter top is a cocktail.
Friday, February 03, 2012
I'll put a monkey on Medard scoring - £500? no i want to put an actual monkey on it

France v Italy
France to win comfortably, 20points+ with Dusautoir a brilliant shout for an anytime try scorer.
Scotland v England.
Scotland will WIN. No doubt in my mind that the Scots can do it this time and why not chuck a quid on their captain, Ford, to score.
Ireland v Wales
Wales.. We're better than them, End of. Wales have been given a 5 point start at the bookies, that's money in your pocket.. I'd put my mortgage on it (if I had one that is). Faletau first try scorer at 25/1 is always worth a quid.
France v Ireland
After a shocking start to the campaign I don't think life will get any easier for Ireland.. France to win by 6 and that man Dusautoir to score again, perhaps worth having a flutter on hime to score in every game!?!?
Italy v England
England to win.. Errrr.
Wales v Scotland
Wales will win this game by 10 points
6 nations the return part 2

Wales will have to be at tippy top level to beat the Irish at home, especially with injuries and the Irish out for a bit of vengeance for that illegal try last year and their humiliating tumpfing in the world cup. What will Wales produce this year though? Where are they going to fit in Hook? The backs are still looking classy and we now have a much more aggressive second row with Evans coming in but will we be able to close out teams. Scoring tries doesn’t seem to be a problem, getting kicks over is and stopping the other fuckers scoring more than us is an even bigger one. Baby faced assassins North, Priestland and Halfpenny are ones to watch.

I don’t know why I ended up with Scotland last maybe it’s because I am not expecting much from them. I am sure a lot of people only watch Scotland games hoping to catch a glimpse of Andy Robinson in the coach’s box stomping around, pacing and getting angrier and angrier until he finally explodes throwing blood, crap and jizz everywhere. They played well in the World cup and STILL lost to England and still failed to put away teams like Uzbekistan. Yes they have a smaller pool of players to choose from but in the end they have got a pool of players, who get paid money to play rugby and are coached by a great coach – excuses have to stop and they have to perform. Maybe its time to get some of the money they spend on fireworks, pipers and a cast of thousands acting out scenes from Bannockburn and Taggart and put it into player development teams – Glasgow and Edinburgh are starting to get results and now its Scotland’s turn….although they have picked Dan Parks who only has 2 sorts of games amazing and absolutely fucking dire.
So there it is. We have our moans and our attacks on the other teams but that is what the 6 nations are about. The build up is always amazing and the banter even better. Its time to get a few beers down your necks, talk about your nations shittest XV, its time to bring out and dust down the old drinking stories and get in touch with your mates, its time to pick Chris Ashton for your fantasy rugby team only to watch him play like a cock but most of all its about rugby, fucking good rugby.
predictions predictions predictions

The first is from fireman Rhys Bach. This bloke was bitten by a radioactive handsome person as a child and turned into a super handsome being with a body that wouldnt look out of place in a hollyoaks calendar - unfortunately he abused these powers and used them for evil by not trying to get off with every bird in the world and shagging loads of them. People got pissed off with Barry John for retiring at 27 but the world....well the female world is a sadder place without Rhys' willy not in it.
France v Italy
This will be close.i think France will have a bad start to tournament and pressure of being world cup finalists at home will crack them,and the Italians with Andreas from Uni in the crowd will take it right to the hilt.last 10 mins France will stretch the lead by a few scores and beat them with a decent margin but it will not reflect the game.
Scotland England.
Bored. England will win by putting Scotland and the crowd into a trance.
Ireland v Wales
Now we're talking. Ireland will not lose at home. BUT...they ate favourites and Wales make great underdogs,and on the back of their world cup,Wales will be victorious.i will actually predict a 17-12 score to Wales.only kicking can let Wales down.
France v Ireland
France win this one,but again,close game.irelands heads will drop.
Italy v England
England win,but close shave, 2-3 point margin
Wales v Scotland
Wales will have a confident win but won't play the best rugby,a wins a win.backs will slice through all the time.
The second prediction is from one of our old heroes of this blog - high pitched ginger lummocks Fuzzy. A person so ginger and so high pitched many people take him for a beautiful exotic bird. walks and sounds a bit like C3PO.
Here it is
Scotland v England – dirty haggis noshing, pro ginger, irn bru quaffing sweaties to hoodwink boring dwarf cannodling Saxons, exposing new management and new caps I’ve never heard of’s naiveté.
Ireland v Wales – big top victory. Peg peddling, small handed, caravan dwelling banshees will burst Wales’ bubble – if Wales were home or they could bring back Bob Norster to win some ball they might have scraped a win but there is bob hope of doing it out there without King Bob.
Italy v France – a cheese eating, other mans wife haranguing, horseshit smoking, winon peddling, soap dodging, bycicle riding, CV driving, port blockading victory. With the piglet now at the helm and his mental predecessor off the scene probably bathing in his own shit or something equally bizzare – its going to be a Cachu Pot grand slam year me thinks.
Anyhoo – I’m sure it will all be much fun – other than the fact that BBC have ruined it with its Sunday fixtures – fucking nonsense
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
vive le.....well not much difference...

The French are a weird lot aren’t they. Bent by Tonga, nearly beaten by a 14 man Wales in a semi and then play so well in the final that they nearly win. News from the camp was that Leivremental was as popular as finding out that you’d booked Gary Glitter the clown for your kids birthday party. Now we see that they have kept 12 of the side from the world cup squad with the uncapped Wesley Fofana coming in for a start against Italy. This team smacks of continuity for the win rather than a team for the future seeing that the youngest of the front 5 is the prop Debaty. Has Nallet the touch of Simon Shaw of him with no Frenchmen pushing - if yes then he will be around 40 for the next world cup. The reason I think is that Sant Andre will leave building to be a continuous plan and the most important thing for this 6 nations will be to win and to do that you don’t leave out grizzled vets like Nallet, Harinordoquy, Pape, Servat and Mas. Sorry I have read this back and realised I have been writing about the French and have forgotten to comment on wondering what team will turn up………
Monday, January 30, 2012
he's not delon Armitage - he's a very naughty boy!!

6 nations the return part 1
Ok I am excited – surely the 6 nations after a world cup is the most fun. January has nearly finished and I am sure we can say a joint ‘thank fuck for that’ but now is the time. Squads are getting picked and are settling in, discussions over game selection and prospects in upcoming matches will bring a twinge to even the most flaccid of jimmies (meaning penises or peni not Scottish people). Next week is the start and I cannot wait!
But what sort of 6 nations are ahead of us? We are well into a period of rugby history where squads and plans are built around success at world cups so therefore this is the start, the beginning of an adventure that will end in the lifting of the Web Ellis cup at Eton…I mean Twickers in 2016. A beginning definitely for England, France, Italy and Ireland. England are sneaking under the radar a bit. Lancaster may not be tested at International level but he seems to be bringing a bit of earthy honesty to an English team that during the world cup displayed an arrogance and twatness that made Will Carling seem like a down to earth working class hero. We Welsh need a cocky English side, it gives the games a bit more an edge, and it’s the rivalry we want. The world cup English team were akin to an embarrassing old drunken uncle at a family wedding who used to be a great lad crying in the corner having just shit his pants. England always have the players now it comes down to selection. As a Welshman I am gutted that they haven’t stuck with Shontayne ‘ed milliband in looks and talent’ Hape – he was so shit he could have made Arthur Emyr's drop goal look good. So now we have an England team on the cusp of renewal and that can only benefit the English and rugby in general.
And whilst chatting about renewal and change we move on the Froggy cach pots. The blog went into mourning once the world cup had ended when I realised Leivremental was leaving to run a pig farm in Saudi Arabia. I just didn’t have anybody to write about anymore but that was all sorted once Gatland picked Henson for Wales. Gavin has only played 80 more minutes of international rugby than me since March 2009 and is probably at this very moment trying to get onto celebrity masterchef or celebrity one man and his dog rather than thinking about rugby. Anyhoo the French. Many people might not agree but Philippe Sant André is ace and is respected as much as the French respect anything but not as much as burning life stock in a port, striking and the jaunt of a beret or a shrug of a shoulder. If things click I think its championship time for them, I’m looking forward to seeing what comes up. Italy also has a new coach and now is the time for them to move forward from the nearly misses. Its not going to happen this year but The Rooster has been over to Italy in the last month and can reveal that they have already sold over 52000 tickets for the England match which shows that maybe after 12 years the arse grabbing, living at home with their mothers, tight jean wearing show offs are starting to fall in love with the real beautiful game. After their defeat of France last year can they repeat that display against the English?