Its been a year, actually more than that. The pub golf in Pontypool last year was so hard that its taken over 12 months for me to get my fat fingers back to the chickens blog. Neath was even worse but less said about that the better.
Since people realised that there was to be no more blog, Lovechickens HQ have been unindated with call begging us to restart and so I am honoured to present to you - Lovechickens - the return.
Since we have been off the air the biggest news other than the South Africans winning the world cup was that the Lovechickens RFC had played and won their first XV aside game. In the driving rain and with minging hangovers we destroyed the young whippersnappers of Newport Uni. Other than a disapointing injury to the gap toothed, marge simpson haired non Scouser and Pete Dev injecting his grubby fingers with oil - it was a great day even if the weather like it is now was shit.
Other news
Fergatron and Two fannies went off to France for the world cup where they met up with US Superchickens Big Doug, El Cubano and sleepy Geoff. The great news is Wales were shit and the boys had to watch former canabalistic giants Fiji take on the eventual humour by-passed winners - the spring boks - but more about supporters in another post. Oh how they laughed a week before in a busy pub of italians and jocks before their big game as Wales were made to look like girls throwing balls and realised they had to spend the entire week explaining that they were actually in france for the Fiji quarter finals and they were actually from a small village outside Suva called puncheston. Its doesn’t matter because Two fanny's hands are virtually black anyway with all that dirt.
I am not going to blow my load too early as i have lots of news to tell so wiwill give snippets over the week. but i will start off with some titbits (hahaha tits!!)
I believe that there are plenty of cheaper ways of living your life in perpetual misery, among them buying a dapper new set of orange dungarees, becoming a muslim fanatic like Bruce and buying a one way ticket to Guantanomo Bay or alternatively applying for a job as Ski's underpants. Anyway despite all the evidence stating for most people getting married is gay both Big Jim and Sam have tied the knot. We have missed Big Jim recently although the ex-Newport Uni chickens have seen him a bit. Sam has been about, a lot….when he takes time away from his German empire.
hmmm Sam is a small and angry man and is in charge of a giant German force….how long before he annexes Austria and marches into the Sudetenland………oh yeah and he has honestly changed his surname to Lawson. Big Will has also changed his name from Matthew Williams to tobias arseface penispickler but that’s another blog.
where are you know and what are you doing - The rooster will be going around members to find out news and gossip where they are!!
more news later in the week
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