France demolished Italy, as most of the wiser amongst us suspected theywould. Italy have improved greatly, but they play Rugby the way we Yanksplay soccer - mechanically sound, sometimes even technically sound, andoccasionally brilliant, but with no instinct for the game. They can't closethe deal - they can't make the last pass. Gove France credit for gooddefense - but my guess is that France good have retired to the pub at aroundthe sixty minute mark, and it still would have taken Italy 7 minutes toscore. It reminds me of the way the rest of the world used to playbasketball. They did everything fundamentally sound, but they never lookingfluid - very mechanical but never in danger of a behind the back or no lookpass. No flair and not instinct for the try line.
The England - Scotland match was a mild disappointment from my perspective.I expected more from Scotland, but Kudos to England for a well played match.For a bunch of lads whom I had heard little or nothing about (other thenVickery, Wilko, Lewsey, Corry et al), they played well and with some realpassion, Christ next they may even have some flair from the backs! Anyway,Scotland's backs looked at sixes and sevens even when they did get the balland always seemed to be on the back foot (again, Kudos to England for theexcellent defense).
I am looking forward to next weeks matches - I expect that Wales willprevail against Scotland. I fancy it to be close, but I think Wales willprevail - if they can get quick ball (as they sometimes did againstIreland), and run like they did, I think they will get the upper hand on theScots. England will have no problem with Italy - as a matter of fact, if Iwere Italy I wouldn't show up until half time - the score will be about thesame and they'll take less of a pounding. Italy will be brave in defense butwill eventually be ground down by the relentless English pressure. It willbe slightly more entertaining to watch that paint drying, but just barely.Ah, but Ireland - France, in Dublin - now that will be a cracker. I thinkthe Irish will prevail, but they will have to bring their A game - anythingless and the Froggies should prevail. As opposed to the Welsh last weekend,the froggies can make that last pass or break that last tackle and score. Ofcourse, if the Froggies bring the side that played the first test againstthe AB's in November - then they need bother showing up at all. I'm backingIreland by a whisker in this one, but a French victory wouldn't surprise menor would it be an upset.
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