The best game of the series, Scotland v Wales!
Anticipation is fever pitch inthe McKendrick household after the complete disappointment of the previous weekagainst England at the "Home of Rugby". ( more like a home for senile people whop*ss themselves!) You guys thought your reffing decisions were bad, ours were af***ing disgrace and we went to the TMO!!!
Anyway I digress, off to Edinburgh on a cheap return ticket in the Megabus,feeling very nervous, don't think our back row consisting of three no.8's willbe able to contain Martyn Williams and co. as they were badly exposed byEngland! That's the last time I mention those Ba****ds!My good lady who was also travelling with me appeared to be just as nervous butfrom a Welsh perspective! I see no reason for this as you guys competed for thefull 80mins and had most of the possession and territory against Ireland "GrandSlam Favourites" to use their full name this season!!Got to our capital and headed straight for our favourite haunt "OLIVERS" sceneof many a famous night with the "chickens!" was so nervous had 3pints before Ihad a chance to take my coat off! Good chat amongst supporters about theforthcoming feature while some background game was taking place!!
What can I say about the game, couldn't believe my eyes, we ( the Scots) tookyou guys apart up front so I didn't have to worry about our back row cos we werein control of the ball at the breakdown.Stephen Jones had a game to forget apart from a superb try saving tackle onChris Paterson and Hook was not a threat cos he never got the ball. Thought theref was a bit harsh on disallowing Rob Dewey's "try" but still Happy days!! Sorry if I'm gloating but it might be the only chance I get to be happy duringthis six nations campaign as Italy are up next and I really don't see ourforwards exerting that much control for the majority of the game! (May be theonly serious rugby point I make in this blog!)
Don't remember much after the game except consoling my "loved ones" probablyjust as well as I'm told we went to a proper sit down restaurant for food whichcost £50 a head!! F**k me I know we won but I wasn't that happy!!!! Reckon itwas El's (my girl) way of getting back at me for gloating, you know how aScotsman and his money are not easily parted! Although I think that is a viciousrumour started by the English! Sh*t I said I wasn't going to mention themagain, better sign off now before I give them a compliment!
Look forward to Super Saturday on the 17th March, El and I are flying down toCardiff in luxury with BMI Baby so we're going to live it up in the City Armsduring the games! Hope to catch up with any of you Lovechickens soon!