"The Mos Eisley Cantina, officially named The Emerald Cafe, is a fictional bar of the Star Wars universe located in the “pirate city” of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. It is the haunt of freight pilots and other dangerous characters of varying races and contains booths, a bar counter, and some free-standing tables, and sometimes a band of musicians named Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes." [] 2006.
I have found another. It is called the Castle and is in Whitechapel, East London.
Amazingly, this place does not kick off until 2am, where all the pleasant folk of the East end slide in after they have been selling fruit or vauxhall novas or 'stabbing people up'. Personally, i'd stick a bit of 'effnik' bashing in there too. Men are there to be men, to drink until the sun comes up or until they pass out, are thrown out or are knocked out. The women are there for a jump. It is a proverbial Parachute Club, Spunk Shed, or any other endearing term you have for somewhere where you WILL get fucked.
Can we please formulate a list of Mos Eisley Cantinas/Emerald Cafes and come up with a tick box classification system to simplify qualification?
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