Other than the RFU being in total disarray, black shirts and shreks twin brother marrying into royalty there hasn’t been much news from Half man half ogre Martin Johnson and his team. There have been lots of ‘what whats’ from the English based press that cannot believe that most people who like rugby think that England wearing black shirts is a shit idea – its not anti English its just a shit idea.
North of the border, Andy Robinson, the only international coach who is actually locked into the management team box on match day because of the predicted casualties amongst the crowd, has been reported that he ‘knows 25 of the 30 players who will make up his world cup squad’ I suppose he will have to have some sort of blind date with the other 5. It seems the SRU have also been through the mill recently with comings and sackings. Is there some sort of Arab summer of rugby unions going on?
Of course since the death of Franco in the 70’s the WRU is the closest thing we have to a totalitarian regime in Western Europe and seeing that they put themselves on a par with NATO, the EU, the Vatican and Macdonalds I don’t think there will be bloodletting any time soon. Good news is that none of the Welsh team have been found forging pound coins or hacking into the Pentagon so I must deduce that they are getting on with things like rugby.
Annoying wind up merchant Warren ‘the next team we play I will go on telly saying that they all fiddle with kids so that they get angry and play above themselves and beat us thus negating the need for stupid mind games’ Gatland is pleased with the way things are going. I have decided that I am going to believe him and try to stay positive. They have reacted the right way to Welsh fans anger and incredulity over the past 8 months and its time to judge him on results. I saw Gatland down Cardiff Bay a month ago – he looks like he has lost a lot of weight – its probably down to him shouting at his players not to shoplift from WHsmiths every time the team bus stops in a service station.
Ireland are so chuffed with their coach his tenure has been extended, which is a very Welsh way of doing things. Rewarding someone before they have done what they have meant to. The Irish have 4 very tough warm ups against England, Scotland and the French twice, with a lot of the team that won the Grand slam back in 1949 still involved lets hope they don’t run of steam.
Finally for this blog I have to give some news on the Cambodian rugby team as this morning two people from that country tuned in to this very blog to learn all about Mike Tindall. According to the IRB website they have website and a president whose name is Madame Tan Theany who sounds like some James Bond baddie. Cambodia’s rugby team lost their last match only a few weeks ago to arch rivals Lao but as nobody from that country bothered to read the website they can go fuck themselves – the Lovechickens are Cambodia all the way.