For fucks sake…..maybe this should be a blog dedicated to rugby star indiscretions and out and out fuck ups. This week in the lead up to 7th ever rugby World Cup, an event which brings the best sport in the world (other than Monkey knife fighting and giant pub jenga) back to the mother ship that is New Zealand, a World cup so important that Wales, for the first time, has managed to keep the same coach in preparation, a World cup so important to Wales because last time we failed to reach the quarterfinals, a world cup that maybe, just maybe we have a chance to reach the heights we have the ability to reach and Gavin Henson, the son of prophecy a man so good that even if he’d lost his hand in some sort of light sabre accident after an argument with his father would still have people clamouring for his appearance in the shirt of his country, has announced that he is fully focussed on the tournament ahead and that other than his kids who he left in a flash to head off to France, THIS tournament, The World cup no less is his priority………….no….The most muscled oompa loompa outside Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory is spending his time announcing that he is appearing as ‘the Bachelor’ the British version of the US hit.
FOR FUCKS SAKE, what is wrong with him? I stated that Rocky was a little retarded in the last blog – he seems like Professor Steven bloody Hawkins compared to Henson. It’s on bloody Channel 5!! What next, Gavin climbing up a tree, traversing over a washing line to steal some nuts from a bird feeder so he can try and get on ‘animals do the funniest things’! The human budgie is so fame hungry but doesn’t he realise he can get that from playing well in one of the biggest sporting events in the world?
Anyway I’d never heard of the bachelor until reading this in the news. It seems loads of birds compete by a series of group and one to one dates and the winner, picked by big Gav will be his missus. He plays rugby for Wales for fuck sake, that’s what happens in Cardiff on a Saturday night anyway. What a shit concept, you know your not going to spend the rest of your life with this vacuous bint so why not pick the smartest with the biggest tits, pick her, shag her and then she can move onto the X factor and if your Gav, you can move onto something equally moronic. He is saying that he is looking for the one but is that because that’s the highest number he can count up to?
Above: After half an hour of her internet flirting date with Gavin, Jenny gives up when he phones up to ask how to turn the computer on
Angry man who needs a wank, Mike Phillips has also ended up in the shit after kicking off with bouncers outside McDonalds. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO EVERBODY??? What next? Warren Gatland and Adam Jones being caught after their ‘knock and run’ campaign brought chaos to a street in Kenfig Hill, Lee Byrne and Shane Williams being caught in Cardiff at lunchtime without a note or even mongadon Andy Powell being caught stealing a golf buggy and driving it the wrong way up………..oh wait………Phillips has been suspended now but I’d be more embarrassed that I’d been bended by two bouncers in a fast food place.
Above: In August George North is caught trying to break into Derek the Weathermans house to piss on his cats...
This isn’t happening to other teams, I bet the English are all tucked, snugly warms in the dorms at Hogwarts by 9 o clock after training for 12 hours, sent off to sleep with the reading of Jonny Wilkinson’s book read by Jonny Wilkinson with the Under 20’s English side preparing the grown ups boots for the next day. I take the piss but they seem to know how important this is, why cant Wales?

Angry man who needs a wank, Mike Phillips has also ended up in the shit after kicking off with bouncers outside McDonalds. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO EVERBODY??? What next? Warren Gatland and Adam Jones being caught after their ‘knock and run’ campaign brought chaos to a street in Kenfig Hill, Lee Byrne and Shane Williams being caught in Cardiff at lunchtime without a note or even mongadon Andy Powell being caught stealing a golf buggy and driving it the wrong way up………..oh wait………Phillips has been suspended now but I’d be more embarrassed that I’d been bended by two bouncers in a fast food place.

This isn’t happening to other teams, I bet the English are all tucked, snugly warms in the dorms at Hogwarts by 9 o clock after training for 12 hours, sent off to sleep with the reading of Jonny Wilkinson’s book read by Jonny Wilkinson with the Under 20’s English side preparing the grown ups boots for the next day. I take the piss but they seem to know how important this is, why cant Wales?